Frietrock 2022 – Arendonk (BE)
Review on Musika by Luc :
Fat Bastard had the honor of closing the “Battlefield” (or also main) stage on Saturday. It was not only a popular, but also an emotional concert. Jorn Mazet could not hide his emotions, the spirit of Jan (who passed away a few months before (red.)), who is not only a very close friend of Jorn and whose spirit blew across the festival grounds all weekend, was most intensively present at this performance, and that made for tears on and off stage. However, the promise was made to celebrate his life, no matter what Fat Bastard did, one sledgehammer blow was consumed and then another fireball was detonated in the face. Fat Bastard immediately set the bar high, but added more and more speed and drive to it, which completely flew off the roof.
Review on MusicZine by Erik Vandamme :
Fat Bastard (*****) headlined the Battlefield (or also the main stage). A thoroughly enjoyed, emotional concert. Jorn Mazet let the spirit of organizer Jan (who passed away a few months earlier (red.)), a very close friend, fly over the festival grounds. The promise was made to celebrate his life, which Fat Bastard did. They dealt hammer blows. Fat Bastard was quite energetic. What a passion.
Alcatraz 2022 – Kortrijk (BE)
Review in Rock Tribune:
Fat Bastard, winner of the Alcatraz Bash, was evenly matched (red: to Beuk, openers of the event). Creamy, dirty and strong hard rock, think Lemmy and cohorts, that all you need.
Review on Luminous Dash by RJ & Johan Vanparys (see site for pictures and original text):
The performance of Fat Bastard from the Antwerp region had a golden but also a black edge. Singer Jorn Mazet, drummer Kurt Pals, guitarist Jan Sommeryns and bassist Geller Van Reeth have a close relationship with the Kempen festival Frietrock. In the spring a shock went through the national metal & rock community when one of the great inspirers of this festival Jan ‘Kilowatt’ Danneels took his own life. Fat Bastard interpreted the concert at Alcatraz as a tribute to ‘the hammerguy’. It became a celebration of his life and a loud call to everyone to talk to someone in case of mental difficulties instead of letting it pull you down.
Apart from the emotions that shook through the audience at this grand gesture, the quartet also went on a musical romp with a big heart. The riffs and drums raged through the tent, fueled by showbeast par excellence Jorn Mazet. Halfway through, the band got even more power with the addition of a second guitarist: the experienced and well-known Mario Poncin. Also for Fat Bastard, the Swamp Stage was their biggest stage ever by miles. And they took maximum advantage of that to gain fans.
Devils Rock for an Angel 2018 – Zillebeke (BE)
Review on by Andy Maelstaf:
Second band of the day immediatly proved to be a bombshell: Fat Bastard gave us a big helping of old school rock ‘n roll in line with Motörhead. They just released a new CD and even threw a copy in the audience. Their regular bass player could not be present but they found a replacement, who did an excellent job. The combo of the band name and the somewhat heavy frontman threw sand in the eyes, ’cause we saw an energetic and agile band on stage that won the hearts of the crowd in no time. With the sentence “We are Fat Bastard and we play rock” we knew what to expect, as the iconic Lemmy used this too. When they performed the penultimate song ‘Ace of Spades’ in a sublime way, the class of this band was confirmed again. The formation came, saw and was victorious for the crowd!
Edit – as conclusion to the article: Again a more than successful edition of Devils Rock For An Angel, the fourth in the meantime, where for me the highlights were certainly Fat Bastard, Solitude Within and Black Hole. Congratulations to the organization, workers, bands and especially Ann and Didier to organize all this. I am already looking forward to a next edition that was recently announced for Saturday September 28, 2019.
Review on by Luc Geyssen:
There ain’t much time to regain some sense of direction, because some twenty minutes later (edit.: after Flexant) Fat Bastard storms the stage. This quintet immediatly gives a big surprise because, although I knew the band by name, I did not know what to expect. Their solid but catchy mix of hard rock ‘n’ roll, hard rock and heavy metal immediately made for a solid party with the not yet so numerous audience. With a recently released album in their back pocket, the band creates a fitting sound, with a rendition of Motörhead’s ‘Ace of Spades’ as icing on the cake and a subsitute bass player no less. This is a band I would love to hear again with a longer set!
Edit – as conclusion to the article: We can decide that also this edition of Devils Rock for an Angel was a hit edition. None of the bands were below par and Fat Bastard, Morgarten and closing act Ambush were my favourite acts that I would love to see again on stage soon.
Review on Hell Spawn by Thomas Gadeyne:
In no time the stage is ready for Fat Bastard (9/10). A solid change in style with the previous band (edit.: Flexant – death metal), but no matter! These nice guys from the Kempen (#taxandrianmetal) play rock ‘n’ roll in the genre of the greats like Motörhead, to whom halfway the set they pay tribute to in the form of a cover version of the evergreen ‘Ace of Spades’. The crowd loses it completely, start dancing, crowdsurfing and jumping. Especially when a copy of their brand new album is tossed into the crowd; talk about generosity! If a set flies by like this one, you know that this band knows what it’s doing!
Frietrock 2018 – Oud-Turnhout (BE)
Review on by Erik Van Damme:
The impressive frontman grabs you by the troat from the first note, and literally heads out to meet the crowd. Fat Bastard combines pure building of an impassable wall of sound with humor and witticism. According to their facebook page, they bring ‘Hard driven Rawk’ n Roll Power ‘. This is indeed the leitmotiv in this performance. They shoot you up with adrenaline, it’s plainly impossible to stand still at this pure uncut Rawk n’ Roll from the heart, a combination of years of experience and so much spontaneity and fun. That’s what the band, led by a very charismatic frontman, lay at our feet when darkness falls over the festival grounds.
Review on Belgian Metal Shredder by Lea Tuik:
In Fat Bastard I clearly hear the influence of Motörhead and Metallica, but they absolutely are no bland carbon copy! The band presented a nice and exciting old-school rock n ‘roll sound that made for some spicy mosh pits right behind me! I myself could not hold back either and let my hair rip loose! Frontman Jorn led the whole event and with his raw charisma I felt that he could be jumping off the stage every moment to grab me, literally, by the throat! One thing is certain, Fat Bastard is – sorry for the silly pun – a mud-fat band!
Wacken Battle 2018 Semi’s – Lens (BE) / Review on
Frietrock regular band, who also will make an appearance on Devil’s Rock For An Angel this year, opens this battle edition. Enthusiasm flows from stage, they came to party and seem not to care that they’re the opening act. With bass and drums as a true duo and real bass lines in stead of the recent trend to use the bass as a low tuned rythm guitar, this is old school rock (rawk as they describe it) at it’s best, with catchy tunes that linger in the head.
Frietrock 2015 – Retie (BE) / Review on
The headliner of a festival, should always be the biggest name on the line-up. Or at least, the one that is most loved by the crowd. With Fat Bastards, Frietrock have found both in one band. And with reason. If you find it in yourself to perform in a friend’s wedding gown, just because it serves a benefit, you score in my book.
Rawk Night 2012 – Hasselt (BE) / Review EvA:
Fat Bastard start off with ‘Better off Dead’. With their Motörhead sound it’s hard to believe that this band didn’t just fly in from the States, fact is that the guys are from Antwerp. Yes, Belgium’s got some decent musicians. The stage is too small for them, so they continue in the crowd. They get the effect they aim for, hairs flying around. The band mastered playing on and besides the stage, and they know it. The singer vanishes and a long rocking instrumental part starts. When he reappears in a cloak, crown and askulled staff, they kickoff Orgasmatron and crown themselves Masters of Rawk.
Distortion Fest 2011 – Herentals (BE) / Review on
In the small concert venue Fat Bastard from Antwerp got on stage. With their old school rock-‘n-roll they play a massive gig. Influences from metal moguls, like AD/DC, Metallica and Iron Maiden, sound in a renewing way in their music. They light up the room with energetic sparks and we wonder why not so many people know this band. The level of this concert is very high and is worth a spot on the main stage of the festival. According to some they played the best gig of the fest. An opinion that is easy to defend.
If the original reviews are in Dutch, we take the liberty to translate to English. We always try to stay as true as possible to the dutch text.
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