Asvana, Backdoor Solution, Bérelor, Braindead, Catalyst, Cathubodua, Charkutterie, Concrete Priest, Cuttermess, Darker Days Ahead, Fat Bastard, Fields of Troy, Gore Force 5, Hudic, Knalhart, Malfested, Marche Funèbre, Muddler, Nocturnal Empire, Our Common Sense, Overtime, Patroness, Primal Creation, Provectus, Slachter, Slaughter the Giant, Spendidula, Stung, TBA, Temptations for the Weak, The Evil Pony's, TurboWarrior of Steel, Verwilderd, Virus Inhumanity, Wardogs, Works of the Flesh, Worlds Beyond, Wound Collector, Wröng
August 27, 2022
Frietrock / 2022 / Arendonk
Venue: Hoendergaarsen, Arendonk
Country: BE